The utils module

class magento.utils.ItemManager(items=None)[source]View on GitHub

Bases: object

__init__(items=None)[source]View on GitHub
add(item)[source]View on GitHub
get_attrs(attr)[source]View on GitHub
sum_attrs(attr)[source]View on GitHub
class magento.utils.LoggerUtils[source]View on GitHub

Bases: object

Utility class that simplifies access to logger handler info

static get_handler_names(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Get all handler names

Return type


static get_stream_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Get all the StreamHandlers of the current logger (NOTE: StreamHandler subclasses excluded)

Return type


static get_file_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Get all the FileHandlers of the current logger

Return type


static get_log_files(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Get the log file paths from all FileHandlers of a logger

Return type


static get_handler_by_log_file(logger, log_file)[source]View on GitHub

Returns the FileHandler logging to the specified file, given it exists

Return type

Union[FileHandler, List[FileHandler]]

static clear_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub
Return type


static clear_stream_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Removes all StreamHandlers from a logger

Return type


static clear_file_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Removes all FileHandlers from a logger

Return type


static map_handlers_by_name(logger)[source]View on GitHub

Map the handlers of a logger first by type, and then by their name

FileHandlers are mapped to both their handlers and log file, while StreamHandlers are just mapped to the handler Handlers without a name will be skipped, because look at the method name (:

class magento.utils.MagentoLogger(name, log_file=None, stdout_level='INFO', log_requests=True)[source]View on GitHub

Bases: object

Logging class used within the package

  • PREFIX – hardcoded prefix to use in log messages

  • PACKAGE_LOG_NAME – the default name for the package logger

  • CLIENT_LOG_NAME – the default format for the client logger name

  • LOG_MESSAGE – the default format for the message component of log messages. (Use magento.logger.LOG_MESSAGE for easy access)

  • FORMATTER – the default logging format

  • HANDLER_NAME – the default format for the names of handlers created by this package

PREFIX = 'MyMagento'
PACKAGE_LOG_NAME = 'my-magento'
CLIENT_LOG_NAME = '{domain}_{username}'
HANDLER_NAME = 'MyMagento__{name}__{stdout_level}'
LOG_MESSAGE = '|[ MyMagento | {name} ]|:  {message}'
FORMATTER = <logging.Formatter object>
__init__(name, log_file=None, stdout_level='INFO', log_requests=True)[source]View on GitHub

Initialize the logger

Each Client object corresponds to a unique username/domain combination, which is used to attach it to its associated MagentoLogger and log file, allowing all activity across all endpoints to be tracked. A package logger exists as well, which logs all activity from the package. All log files have their log level set to DEBUG

  • name (str) – logger name

  • log_file (Optional[str]) – log file name; default is {name}.log

  • stdout_level (Union[int, str]) – logging level for stdout logger; default is “INFO” (which is also logging.INFO and 10)

  • log_requests (bool) – set to True to add logging from the requests package logger

setup_logger(stdout_level='INFO', log_requests=True)[source]View on GitHub

Configures a logger and assigns it to the logger attribute.

  • stdout_level (Union[int, str]) – logging level to use for logging to console

  • log_requests (bool) – set to True to add logs from the requests package (ie. API call logging)

Return type


format_msg(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE using the specified message

Return type


debug(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE with the specified message, then logs it with Logger.debug()

info(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE with the specified message, then logs it with

error(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE with the specified message, then logs it with Logger.error()

warning(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE with the specified message, then logs it with Logger.warning()

critical(msg)[source]View on GitHub

Formats the LOG_MESSAGE with the specified message, then logs it with Logger.critical()

property handlers
property handler_names
property handler_map
property file_handlers
property stream_handlers
property log_files
property log_path
static get_magento_handlers(logger)[source]View on GitHub
static clear_magento_handlers(logger, handler_type, clear_pkg=False)[source]View on GitHub

Clear all handlers from a logger that were created by MagentoLogger

  • logger (Logger) – any logger

  • handler_type (Union[Type[FileHandler], Type[StreamHandler]]) – the logging handler type to check for and remove

  • clear_pkg (bool) – if True, will delete the package handler for writing to my-magento.log (Default is False)

static clear_magento_file_handlers(logger, clear_pkg=False)[source]View on GitHub
static clear_magento_stdout_handlers(logger, clear_pkg=False)[source]View on GitHub
static owns_handler(handler)[source]View on GitHub

Checks if a handler is a Stream/FileHandler from this package or not

static get_package_handler()[source]View on GitHub

Returns the FileHandler object that writes to the magento.log file

Return type


static add_request_logging(handler)[source]View on GitHub

Adds the specified handler to the requests package logger, allowing for easier debugging of API calls

magento.utils.get_agents()[source]View on GitHub

Scrapes a list of user agents. Returns a default list if the scrape fails.

Return type


magento.utils.get_agent(index=0)[source]View on GitHub

Returns a single user agent string from the specified index of the AGENTS list

Return type


magento.utils.get_package_file_handler()[source]View on GitHub