Source code for magento.models.product

from __future__ import annotations
import requests
from . import Model
from pathlib import Path
from functools import cached_property
from magento.exceptions import MagentoError
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, List, Dict

    from magento import Client
    from . import Category, Order, OrderItem, Invoice, Customer

[docs]class Product(Model): """Wrapper for the ``products`` endpoint""" STATUS_ENABLED = 1 STATUS_DISABLED = 2 VISIBILITY_NOT_VISIBLE = 1 VISIBILITY_CATALOG = 2 VISIBILITY_SEARCH = 3 VISIBILITY_BOTH = 4 DOCUMENTATION = '' IDENTIFIER = 'sku'
[docs] def __init__(self, data: dict, client: Client): """Initialize a Product object using an API response from the ``products`` endpoint :param data: the API response from the ``products`` endpoint :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( data=data, client=client, endpoint='products', private_keys=True )
def __repr__(self): return f'<Magento Product: {self.sku}>' @property def excluded_keys(self): return ['media_gallery_entries'] @property def uid(self) -> Union[str, int]: return self.encoded_sku
[docs] def update_stock(self, qty: int) -> bool: """Updates the stock quantity :param qty: the new stock quantity """ url = f'{self.data_endpoint()}/stockItems/{self.stock_item_id}' payload = { "stock_item": { "qty": qty, "is_in_stock": qty > 0 }, 'save_options': True } response = self.client.put(url, payload) if response.ok: self.refresh()'Updated stock to {self.stock} for {self}') return True else: self.logger.error( f'Failed to update stock for {self} with status code {response.status_code}' + '\n' + f'Message: {MagentoError.parse(response)}' ) return False
[docs] def update_status(self, status: int) -> bool: """Update the product status :param status: either 1 (for :attr:`~.STATUS_ENABLED`) or 2 (for :attr:`~.STATUS_DISABLED`) """ if status not in [Product.STATUS_ENABLED, Product.STATUS_DISABLED]: raise ValueError('Invalid status provided') return self.update_attributes({'status': status})
[docs] def update_price(self, price: Union[int, float]) -> bool: """Update the product price :param price: the new price """ return self.update_attributes({'price': price})
[docs] def update_special_price(self, price: Union[float, int]) -> bool: """Update the product special price :param price: the new special price """ if price < self.price: return self.update_custom_attributes({'special_price': price}) self.logger.error(f'Sale price for {self} must be less than current price ({self.price})') return False
[docs] def update_name(self, name: str, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Update the product name :param name: the new name to use :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ return self.update_attributes({'name': name}, scope)
[docs] def update_description(self, description: str, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Update the product description :param description: the new HTML description to use :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ return self.update_custom_attributes({'description': description}, scope)
[docs] def update_metadata(self, metadata: dict, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Update the product metadata :param metadata: the new ``meta_title``, ``meta_keyword`` and/or ``meta_description`` to use :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ attributes = {k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k in ('meta_title', 'meta_keyword', 'meta_description')} return self.update_custom_attributes(attributes, scope)
[docs] def add_categories(self, category_ids: Union[int, str, List[int | str]]) -> bool: """Adds the product to an individual or multiple categories :param category_ids: an individual or list of category IDs to add the product to """ if not isinstance(category_ids, list): if not isinstance(category_ids, (str, int)): raise TypeError( "`category_ids` must be an individual or list of integers/strings" ) category_ids = [category_ids] current_ids = self.custom_attributes.get('category_ids', []) new_ids = [id for id in map(str, category_ids) if id not in current_ids] return self.update_custom_attributes({"category_ids": current_ids + new_ids})
[docs] def remove_categories(self, category_ids: Union[int, str, List[int | str]]) -> bool: """Removes the product from an individual or multiple categories :param category_ids: an individual or list of category IDs to remove the product from """ if not isinstance(category_ids, list): if not isinstance(category_ids, (str, int)): raise TypeError( "`category_ids` must be an individual or list of integers/strings" ) category_ids = [category_ids] current_ids = self.custom_attributes.get('category_ids', []) new_ids = [id for id in current_ids if id not in map(str, category_ids)] return self.update_custom_attributes({'category_ids': new_ids})
[docs] def update_attributes(self, attribute_data: dict, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Update top level product attributes with scoping taken into account .. note:: Product attributes can have a ``Global``, ``Store View`` or ``Website`` scope :Global Attributes: Values are updated on all store views and the admin :Website Attributes: Values are updated on all store views :Store View Attributes: Values are updated on the store view specified in the request ``scope`` A second request will be made to update ``Store View`` and ``Website`` attributes on the admin, depending on how many :class:`~.Store` :attr:`~.views` you have: * **1 View:** admin values are updated for all attributes, regardless of scope * **2+ Views:** admin values are updated only for :attr:`~.website_product_attributes` :param attribute_data: a dictionary of product attributes to update :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if return self._update_single_store(attribute_data) if not self._update_attributes(attribute_data, scope): return False if website_attrs := return self._update_attributes(website_attrs, scope='all') return True
[docs] def update_custom_attributes(self, attribute_data: dict, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Update custom attributes with scoping taken into account See :meth:`~update_attributes` for details .. admonition:: Important :class: important-af This method only supports updating **custom attributes** :param attribute_data: a dictionary of custom attributes to update :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ attributes = {'custom_attributes': self.pack_attributes(attribute_data)} if return self._update_single_store(attributes) if not self._update_attributes(attributes, scope): return False if website_attributes := return self._update_attributes({'custom_attributes': self.pack_attributes(website_attributes)}, scope='all') return True
def _update_single_store(self, attribute_data: dict) -> bool: """Internal function for updating a store with a single store view All attributes will be updated on the ``default`` and ``all`` scope, ensuring that the frontend and admin always have the same product data :param attribute_data: a dictionary of custom product attributes to update """ for store_code in (None, 'all'): if not self._update_attributes(attribute_data, store_code): return False # Avoid updating admin if store update fails self.refresh() # Back to default scope return True def _update_attributes(self, attribute_data: dict, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Sends a PUT request to update **top-level** product attributes .. tip:: to update attributes or custom attributes with attribute scope taken into account, use :meth:`~.update_attributes` or :meth:`~.update_custom_attributes` instead :param attribute_data: dict containing any number of top-level attributes to update :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ url = self.data_endpoint(scope) payload = { "product": { "sku": self.sku }, 'save_options': True } payload['product'].update(attribute_data) response = self.client.put(url, payload) if response.ok: self.refresh(scope) for key in attribute_data: f"Updated {key} for {self} to {getattr(self, key)} on scope {self.get_scope_name(scope)}") return True else: self.logger.error( f'Failed with status code {response.status_code}' + '\n' + f'Message: {MagentoError.parse(response)}') return False
[docs] def get_orders(self) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Searches for orders that contain the product If the product is configurable, returns orders containing any of its child products :returns: orders that contain the product, as an individual or list of :class:`~.Order` objects """ return self.client.orders.by_product(self)
[docs] def get_order_items(self) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Searches for order items that contain the product If the product is configurable, returns order items containing any of its child products :returns: order items that contain the product, as an individual or list of :class:`~.OrderItem` objects """ return self.client.order_items.by_product(self)
[docs] def get_invoices(self) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Searches for invoices that contain the product If the product is configurable, returns invoices containing any of its child products :returns: invoices that contain the product, as an individual or list of :class:`~.Invoice` objects """ return self.client.invoices.by_product(self)
[docs] def get_customers(self) -> Optional[Customer | List[Customer]]: """Searches for customers that have ordered the product If the product is configurable, returns customers that have ordered any of its child products :returns: customers that have ordered the product, as an individual or list of :class:`~.Customer` objects """ return self.client.customers.by_product(self)
[docs] def delete(self) -> bool: """Deletes the product .. hint:: If you delete a product by accident, the :class:`Product` object's ``data`` attribute will still contain the raw data, which can be used to recover it. Alternatively, don't delete it by accident. """ url = self.data_endpoint() response = self.client.delete(url) if response.ok and response.json() is True:'Deleted {self}') return True else: self.logger.error( f'Failed to delete {self}. Message: {MagentoError.parse(response)}' ) return False
[docs] def get_children(self, refresh: bool = False, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Product]: """Retrieve the child simple products of a configurable product :param refresh: if True, calls :meth:`~.Model.refresh` on the child products to retrieve full data :param scope: the scope to refresh the children on (when ``refresh=True``) """ if refresh: for child in self.children: child.refresh(scope) return self.children
@cached_property def children(self) -> List[Product]: """If the Product is a configurable product, returns a list of its child products""" if self.type_id == 'configurable': url = self.client.url_for(f'configurable-products/{self.encoded_sku}/children') if (response := self.client.get(url)).ok: return [self.parse(child) for child in response.json()] else: self.logger.error(f'Failed to get child products of {self}') else:'Only configurable products have child SKUs') return [] @cached_property def link(self) -> str: """Link of the product""" if url_key := self.custom_attributes.get('url_key'): return + url_key + '.html' @cached_property def categories(self) -> Optional[Category | List[Category]]: """Categories the product is in, returned as a list of :class:`~.Category` objects""" category_ids = self.custom_attributes.get('category_ids', []) return self.client.categories.by_list('entity_id', category_ids) @cached_property def media_gallery_entries(self) -> List[MediaEntry]: """The product's media gallery entries, returned as a list of :class:`MediaEntry` objects""" return [MediaEntry(self, entry) for entry in self.__media_gallery_entries] @cached_property def thumbnail(self) -> MediaEntry: """The :class:`MediaEntry` corresponding to the product's thumbnail""" for entry in self.media_gallery_entries: if entry.is_thumbnail: return entry @property def thumbnail_link(self) -> str: """Link of the product's :attr:`~.thumbnail` image""" if self.thumbnail: return
[docs] def get_media_by_id(self, entry_id: int) -> MediaEntry: """Access a :class:`MediaEntry` of the product by id :param entry_id: the id of the media gallery entry """ for entry in self.media_gallery_entries: if == entry_id: return entry
@property def encoded_sku(self) -> str: """URL-encoded SKU, which is used in request endpoints""" return self.encode(self.sku) @cached_property def option_skus(self) -> List[str]: """The full SKUs for the product's customizable options, if they exist .. hint:: When a product with customizable options is ordered, these SKUs are used by the API when retrieving and searching for :class:`~.Order` and :class:`~.OrderItem` data """ option_skus = [] if hasattr(self, 'options'): for option in self.options: base_sku = option['product_sku'] for val in option['values']: if val.get('sku'): option_skus.append(base_sku + '-' + val['sku']) return option_skus @property def stock(self) -> int: """Current stock quantity""" if self.stock_item: return self.stock_item['qty'] @property def stock_item(self) -> dict: """Stock data from the StockItem Interface""" if hasattr(self, 'extension_attributes'): # Missing if product was retrieved by id if stock_data := self.extension_attributes.get('stock_item', {}): return stock_data # Use the SKU to refresh attributes with full product data self.refresh() return self.stock_item @property def stock_item_id(self) -> int: """Item id of the StockItem, used to :meth:`~.update_stock`""" if self.stock_item: return self.stock_item['item_id'] @property def description(self) -> str: """Product description (as HTML)""" return self.custom_attributes.get('description', '') @property def special_price(self) -> float: """The current special (sale) price""" return self.custom_attributes.get('special_price')
[docs]class MediaEntry(Model): """Wraps a media gallery entry of a :class:`Product`""" MEDIA_TYPES = ['base', 'small', 'thumbnail', 'swatch'] DOCUMENTATION = "" IDENTIFIER = "id"
[docs] def __init__(self, product: Product, entry: dict): """Initialize a MediaEntry object for a :class:`Product` :param product: the :class:`Product` that the gallery entry is associated with :param entry: the json response data to use as the source data """ super().__init__( data=entry, client=product.client, endpoint=f'products/{product.encoded_sku}/media' ) self.product = product
def __repr__(self): return f"<MediaEntry {} for {self.product}: {self.label}>"
[docs] def query_endpoint(self) -> None: """No search endpoint exists for media gallery entries""" return"There is no search interface for media gallery entries")
@property def excluded_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [] @property def is_enabled(self): return not self.disabled @property def is_thumbnail(self): return 'thumbnail' in self.types @cached_property def link(self): """Permalink to the image""" return + 'catalog/product' + self.file
[docs] def disable(self, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Disables the MediaEntry on the given scope :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """['disabled'] = True return self.update(scope)
[docs] def enable(self, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Enables the MediaEntry on the given scope :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """['disabled'] = False return self.update(scope)
[docs] def download(self, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Downloads the MediaEntry image :param filename: the name of the file to save the image to; uses the filename on Magento if not provided. :return: the absolute path of the downloaded image file, or ``None`` if the download failed """ if filename is None: filename = Path(self.file).name try: response = requests.get( response.raise_for_status() except requests.RequestException as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to download {self}: {e}") return None fpath = Path(filename).resolve() with open(fpath, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content)"Downloaded {self} to {fpath}") return str(fpath)
[docs] def add_media_type(self, media_type: str, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Add a media type to the MediaEntry on the given scope .. caution:: If the media type is already assigned to a different entry, it will be removed :param media_type: one of the :attr:`~.MEDIA_TYPES` :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if media_type in self.MEDIA_TYPES and media_type not in self.types:['types'].append(media_type) return self.update(scope)
[docs] def remove_media_type(self, media_type: str, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Remove a media type from the MediaEntry on the given scope :param media_type: one of the :attr:`~MEDIA_TYPES` :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if media_type in self.types:['types'].remove(media_type) return self.update(scope) self.logger.error(f'{media_type} is not currently assigned to {self}') return False
[docs] def set_media_types(self, types: list, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Set media types for the MediaEntry on the given scope :param types: a list containing all :attr:`~MEDIA_TYPES` to assign :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if not isinstance(types, list): raise TypeError('types must be a list')['types'] = [t for t in types if t in self.MEDIA_TYPES] return self.update(scope)
[docs] def set_position(self, position: int, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Set the position of the MediaEntry on the given scope :param position: the position to change to :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if not isinstance(position, int): raise TypeError('position must be an int')['position'] = position return self.update(scope)
[docs] def set_alt_text(self, text: str, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Set the alt text (``label``) of the MediaEntry on the given scope :param text: the alt text to use :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError('text must be a string')['label'] = text return self.update(scope)
[docs] def update(self, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Uses the :attr:`` dict to update the media entry .. note:: Some updates alter the data of other entries; if the update is successful, the associated :class:`Product` will be refreshed on the same scope to keep the data consistent .. tip:: If there's only 1 store view, the admin will also be updated :param scope: the scope to send the request on; will use the :attr:`.Client.scope` if not provided """ if success = self._update_single_store() else: success = self._update(scope) self.refresh(scope) # Get updated data if success or reset to accurate data if failed if success: self.product.refresh(scope) return success
def _update_single_store(self): """Updates the MediaEntry data on the default store view and admin""" for scope in (None, 'all'): if not self._update(scope): return False # Avoid updating admin if store update fails return True def _update(self, scope: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: url = self.data_endpoint(scope) response = self.client.put(url, payload={'entry':}) if response.ok and response.json() is True: f"Updated {self} on scope {self.get_scope_name(scope)}" ) return True else: self.logger.error( f"Failed to update {self} on scope {self.get_scope_name(scope)}" ) return False
[docs]class ProductAttribute(Model): """Wrapper for the ``products/attributes`` endpoint""" DOCUMENTATION = "" IDENTIFIER = "attribute_code"
[docs] def __init__(self, data: dict, client: Client): """Initialize a ProductAttribute object using an API response from the ``products/attributes`` endpoint :param data: the API response from the ``products/attributes`` endpoint :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( data=data, client=client, endpoint='products/attributes', private_keys=True )
def __repr__(self): return f"<Product Attribute: {self.attribute_code}>" @property def excluded_keys(self) -> List[str]: return ['options'] @property def options(self): return self.unpack_attributes(self.__options, key='label')