Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
import re
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Union, Type, Iterable, List, Optional, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
from .models import Model, APIResponse, Product, Category, ProductAttribute, Order, OrderItem, Invoice
from .exceptions import MagentoError
from . import clients

    from typing_extensions import Self
    from . import Client

[docs]class SearchQuery: """Queries any endpoint that invokes the searchCriteria interface. Parent of all endpoint-specific search classes .. tip:: See for official docs """
[docs] def __init__(self, endpoint: str, client: Client, model: Type[Model] = APIResponse): """Initialize a SearchQuery object :param endpoint: the base search API endpoint (for example, ``orders``) :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object :param model: the :class:`~.Model` to parse the response data with; uses :class:`~.APIResponse` if not specified """ if not isinstance(client, clients.Client): raise TypeError(f'`client` must be of type {clients.Client}') #: The :class:`~.Client` to send the search request with self.client = client #: The endpoint being queried self.endpoint = endpoint #: :doc:`models` class to wrap the response with self.Model = model #: The current url for the search request self.query = self.client.url_for(endpoint) + '/?' #: Restricted fields, from :meth:`~.restrict_fields` self.fields = '' #: The raw response data, if any self._result = {}
[docs] def add_criteria(self, field, value, condition='eq', **kwargs) -> Self: """Add criteria to the search query :param field: the API response field to search by :param value: the value of the field to compare :param condition: the comparison condition :param kwargs: additional search option arguments (``group`` and ``filter``) :returns: the calling SearchQuery object .. admonition:: Keyword Argument Options: ``Condition`` :class: tip The ``condition`` argument specifies the condition used to evaluate the attribute value * ``"eq"`` (default): matches items for which ``field=value`` * ``"gt"``: matches items for which ``field>value`` * ``"lt"``: matches items for which ``field<value`` * ``"gteq"``: matches items for which ``field>=value`` * ``"lteq"``: matches items for which ``field<=value`` * ``"in"``: matches items for which ``field in value.split(",")`` - Tip: for ``in``, use :meth:`~.by_list` if not building a complex query .. admonition:: Example :class: example :: # Search for Orders created in 2023 >>> orders = api.orders.add_criteria( ... field="created_at", ... value="2023-01-01", ... condition='gteq' ... ).execute() .. admonition:: Keyword Argument Options: Using Filter Groups :class: hint ``group`` - filter group number ``filter`` - filter number (within the specified filter group) *Using Filter Groups* Filter groups are filter criteria in the form of { field: value } Group 0 Filter 0 -> Filter 0 Group 0 Filter 0 + Group 0 Filter 1 -> Filter 0 OR Filter 1 Group 0 Filter 0 + Group 1 Filter 0 -> Filter 0 AND Filter 0 """ options = { 'condition': condition, 'group': self.last_group + 1, 'filter': 0, } options.update(kwargs) criteria = ( f'searchCriteria[filter_groups][{options["group"]}][filters][{options["filter"]}][field]={field}' + f'&searchCriteria[filter_groups][{options["group"]}][filters][{options["filter"]}][value]={value}' + f'&searchCriteria[filter_groups][{options["group"]}][filters][{options["filter"]}][condition_type]={options["condition"]}' ) if not self.query.endswith('?'): self.query += '&' self.query += criteria return self
[docs] def restrict_fields(self, fields: Iterable[str]) -> Self: """Constrain the API response data to only contain the specified fields :param fields: an iterable or comma separated string of fields to include in the response :returns: the calling SearchQuery object """ if not isinstance(fields, str): if not isinstance(fields, Iterable): raise TypeError('"fields" must be a comma separated string or an iterable') fields = ','.join(fields) if (id_field := self.Model.IDENTIFIER) not in fields: fields += f',{id_field}' self.fields = f'&fields=items[{fields}]' return self
[docs] def execute(self) -> Optional[Model | List[Model]]: """Sends the search request using the current :attr:`~.scope` of the :attr:`client` .. tip:: Change the :attr:`.Client.scope` to retrieve :attr:`~.result` data from different store :attr:`~.views` :returns: the search query :attr:`~.result` """ response = self.client.get(self.query + self.fields) self.__dict__.pop('result', None) self._result = response.json() return self.result
[docs] def by_id(self, item_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Model]: """Retrieve data for an individual item by its id .. note:: The ``id`` field used is different depending on the endpoint being queried * Most endpoints use an ``entity_id`` or ``id`` * The ``orders/items`` endpoint uses ``item_id`` * The ``products`` endpoint uses ``product_id``, but can also be queried :meth:`~ProductSearch.by_sku` The :attr:`~.Model.IDENTIFIER` attribute of each :class:`~.Model` contains the appropriate field :param item_id: id of the item to retrieve """ self.query = self.query.strip('?') + str(item_id) return self.execute()
[docs] def by_list(self, field: str, values: Iterable) -> Optional[Model, List[Model]]: """Search for multiple items using an iterable or comma-separated string of field values .. admonition:: Examples :class: example Retrieve :class:`~.Product` with ids from 1 to 10:: # Values can be a list/tuple/iterable >> api.products.by_list('entity_id', range(1,11)) Search for :class:`~.Order` that are processing, pending, or completed:: # Values can be a comma-separated string >> api.orders.by_list('status', 'processing,pending,completed') :param field: the API response field to search for matches in :param values: an iterable or comma separated string of values """ if not isinstance(values, Iterable): raise TypeError('`values` must be an iterable') if not isinstance(values, str): values = ','.join(f'{value}' for value in values) return self.add_criteria( field=field, value=values, condition='in' ).execute()
[docs] def since(self, sinceDate: str = None) -> Self: """Retrieve items for which ``created_at >= sinceDate`` **Example**:: # Retrieve products created in 2023 >> api.products.since('2023-01-01').execute() .. tip:: Calling with no arguments retrieves all items :: # Retrieve all products >> api.products.since().execute() :param sinceDate: the date for response data to start from :return: the calling :class:`~SearchQuery` """ return self.add_criteria( field='created_at', value=sinceDate, condition='gteq', group=self.last_group + 1, )
[docs] def until(self, toDate: str) -> Self: """Retrieve items for which ``created_at <= toDate`` :param toDate: the date for response data to end at (inclusive) :return: the calling :class:`~SearchQuery` """ return self.add_criteria( field='created_at', value=toDate, condition='lteq', group=self.last_group + 1, )
@cached_property def result(self) -> Optional[Model | List[Model]]: """The result of the search query, wrapped by the :class:`~.Model` corresponding to the endpoint :returns: the API response as either an individual or list of :class:`~.Model` objects """ result = self.validate_result() if result is None: return result if isinstance(result, list): return [self.parse(item) for item in result] if isinstance(result, dict): return self.parse(result)
[docs] def validate_result(self) -> Optional[Dict | List[Dict]]: """Parses the response and returns the actual result data, regardless of search approach""" if not self._result: return None if isinstance(self._result, list): return self._result if self._result.get('message'): # Error; logged by Client return None if len(self._result.keys()) > 3: # Single item, retrieved by id return self._result if 'items' in self._result: # All successful responses with search criteria have `items` key items = self._result['items'] if items: # Response can still be {'items': None} though if len(items) > 1: return items return items[0] else: "No matching {} for this search query".format(self.endpoint) ) return None # I have no idea what could've gone wrong, sorry :/ msg = "Search failed with an unknown error.\nAPI Response: {}".format(self._result) raise MagentoError(self.client, msg)
[docs] def parse(self, data: dict) -> Model: """Parses the API response with the corresponding :class:`~.Model` object :param data: API response data of a single item """ if self.Model is not APIResponse: return self.Model(data, self.client) return self.Model(data, self.client, self.endpoint)
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Resets the query and result, allowing the object to be reused""" self._result = {} self.fields = '' self.query = self.client.url_for(self.endpoint) + '/?' self.__dict__.pop('result', None)
@property def result_count(self) -> int: """Number of items that matched the search criteria""" if not self._result or not self.result: return 0 if isinstance(self.result, Model): return 1 return len(self.result) @property def result_type(self) -> Type: """The type of the result""" return type(self.result) @property def last_group(self) -> int: """The most recent filter group on the query :returns: the most recent filter group, or ``-1`` if no criteria has been added """ if self.query.endswith('?'): return -1 return int(re.match( r'.*searchCriteria\[filter_groups]\[(\d)]', self.query ).groups()[-1])
[docs]class OrderSearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``orders`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize an :class:`OrderSearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='orders', client=client, model=Order )
[docs] def by_number(self, order_number: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Order]: """Retrieve an :class:`~.Order` by number :param order_number: the order number (``increment_id``) """ return self.add_criteria( field='increment_id', value=order_number ).execute()
[docs] def by_product(self, product: Product) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for all :class:`~.Order` s of a :class:`~.Product` :param product: the :class:`~.Product` to search for in orders """ items = self.client.order_items.by_product(product) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def by_sku(self, sku: str) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for :class:`~.Order` by product sku .. note:: Like :meth:`.OrderItemSearch.by_sku`, the sku will need to be an exact match to the sku of a simple product, including a custom option if applicable * Use :meth:`~.OrderSearch.by_product` or :meth:`~.OrderSearch.by_product_id` to find orders containing any of the :attr:`~.option_skus` and/or all :attr:`~.children` of a configurable product :param sku: the exact product sku to search for in orders """ items = self.client.order_items.by_sku(sku) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def by_product_id(self, product_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for :class:`~.Order` s by ``product_id`` :param product_id: the ``id`` (``product_id``) of the product to search for in orders """ items = self.client.order_items.by_product_id(product_id) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def by_category_id(self, category_id: Union[int, str], search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for :class:`~.Order` s by ``category_id`` :param category_id: id of the category to search for in orders :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for orders from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` :returns: any :class:`~.Order` containing a :class:`~.Product` in the corresponding :class:`~.Category` """ items = self.client.order_items.by_category_id(category_id, search_subcategories) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def by_category(self, category: Category, search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for :class:`~.Order` s that contain any of the category's :attr:`~.Category.products` :param category: the :class:`~.Category` to use in the search :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for orders from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` :returns: any :class:`~.Order` that contains a product in the provided category """ items = self.client.order_items.by_category(category, search_subcategories) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def by_skulist(self, skulist: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Optional[Order | List[Order]]: """Search for :class:`~.Order` s using a list or comma separated string of product SKUs :param skulist: an iterable or comma separated string of product SKUs """ items = self.client.order_items.by_skulist(skulist) return self.from_items(items)
[docs] def from_items(self, items: Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]) -> Optional[Order, List[Order]]: """Retrieve unique :class:`~.Order` objects from :class:`~.OrderItem` entries using a single request :param items: an individual/list of order items """ if items is None: return if isinstance(items, list): order_ids = set(item.order_id for item in items) return self.by_list('entity_id', order_ids) else: return items.order # Single OrderItem
[docs]class OrderItemSearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``orders/items`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize an :class:`OrderItemSearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='orders/items', client=client, model=OrderItem )
@cached_property def result(self) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: if result := super().result: if isinstance(result, list): return [item for item in result if item] return result
[docs] def parse(self, data) -> Optional[OrderItem]: """Overrides :meth:`SearchQuery.parse` to fully hydrate :class:`~.OrderItem` objects Extra validation is required for OrderItems, as duplicated and/or incomplete data is returned when the child of a configurable product is searched :meth:`by_sku` or :meth:`by_product` :param data: API response data """ if data.get('parent_item'): return None if parent_id := data.get('parent_item_id'): return self.client.order_items.by_id(parent_id) else: return OrderItem(data, self.client)
[docs] def by_product(self, product: Product) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem` entries by :class:`~.Product` .. note:: This will match OrderItems that contain * Any of the child products of a configurable product * Any of the :attr:`~.option_skus` of a product with custom options :param product: the :class:`~.Product` to search for in order items """ if not isinstance(product, Product): raise TypeError(f'`product` must be of type {Product}') return self.by_product_id(
[docs] def by_sku(self, sku: str) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem` entries by product sku. .. admonition:: The SKU must be an exact match to the OrderItem SKU OrderItems always use the SKU of a simple product, including any custom options. This means that: * Searching the SKU of a configurable product returns nothing * If a product has custom options, the search will only find OrderItems that contain the specific option sku (or base sku) that's provided To search for OrderItems containing all :attr:`~.children` of a configurable product and/or all possible :attr:`~.option_skus`, use :meth:`~.by_product` or :meth:`~.by_product_id` :param sku: the exact product sku to search for in order items """ return self.add_criteria('sku', Model.encode(sku)).execute()
[docs] def by_product_id(self, product_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem` entries by product id. :param product_id: the ``id`` (``product_id``) of the :class:`~.Product` to search for in order items """ return self.add_criteria('product_id', product_id).execute()
[docs] def by_category_id(self, category_id: Union[int, str], search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem` entries by ``category_id`` :param category_id: id of the :class:`~.Category` to search for in order items :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for order items from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` :returns: any :class:`~.OrderItem` containing a :class:`~.Product` in the corresponding :class:`~.Category` """ if category := self.client.categories.by_id(category_id): return self.by_category(category, search_subcategories)
[docs] def by_category(self, category: Category, search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem` entries that contain any of the category's :attr:`~.Category.products` :param category: the :class:`~.Category` to use in the search :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for order items from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` """ if not isinstance(category, Category): raise TypeError(f'`category` must be of type {Category}') product_ids = category.all_product_ids if search_subcategories else category.product_ids return self.by_list('product_id', product_ids)
[docs] def by_skulist(self, skulist: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]: """Search for :class:`~.OrderItem`s using a list or comma-separated string of product SKUs :param skulist: an iterable or comma separated string of product SKUs """ if not isinstance(skulist, Iterable): raise TypeError(f'`skulist` must be an iterable or comma-separated string of SKUs') if isinstance(skulist, str): skulist = skulist.split(',') skus = map(Model.encode, skulist) return self.by_list('sku', skus)
[docs]class InvoiceSearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``invoices`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize an :class:`InvoiceSearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='invoices', client=client, model=Invoice )
[docs] def by_number(self, invoice_number: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Invoice]: """Retrieve an :class:`~.Invoice` by number :param invoice_number: the invoice number (``increment_id``) """ return self.add_criteria( field='increment_id', value=invoice_number ).execute()
[docs] def by_order_number(self, order_number: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Invoice]: """Retrieve an :class:`~.Invoice` by order number :param order_number: the order number (``increment_id``) """ if order := self.client.orders.by_number(order_number): return self.by_order(order)
[docs] def by_order(self, order: Order) -> Optional[Invoice]: """Retrieve the :class:`~.Invoice` for an :class:`~.Order` :param order: the :class:`~.Order` object to retrieve an invoice for """ return self.by_order_id(
[docs] def by_order_id(self, order_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Invoice]: """Retrieve an :class:`~.Invoice` by ``order_id`` :param order_id: the ``order_id`` of the order to retrieve an invoice for """ return self.add_criteria( field='order_id', value=order_id ).execute()
[docs] def by_product(self, product: Product) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for all :class:`~.Invoice` s of a :class:`~.Product` :param product: the :class:`~.Product` to search for in invoices """ items = self.client.order_items.by_product(product) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def by_sku(self, sku: str) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for :class:`~.Invoice` s by product sku .. note:: Like :meth:`.OrderItemSearch.by_sku`, the sku will need to be an exact match to the sku of a simple product, including a custom option if applicable * Use :meth:`~.InvoiceSearch.by_product` or :meth:`~.InvoiceSearch.by_product_id` to find orders containing any of the :attr:`~.option_skus` and/or all :attr:`~.children` of a configurable product :param sku: the exact product sku to search for in invoices """ items = self.client.order_items.by_sku(sku) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def by_product_id(self, product_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for :class:`~.Invoice` s by ``product_id`` :param product_id: the ``id`` (``product_id``) of the product to search for in invoices """ items = self.client.order_items.by_product_id(product_id) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def by_category_id(self, category_id: Union[int, str], search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for :class:`~.Invoice` s by ``category_id`` :param category_id: id of the category to search for in orders :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for orders from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` :returns: any :class:`~.Invoice` containing a :class:`~.Product` in the corresponding :class:`~.Category` """ items = self.client.order_items.by_category_id(category_id, search_subcategories) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def by_category(self, category: Category, search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for :class:`~.Invoice` s that contain any of the category's :attr:`~.Category.products` :param category: the :class:`~.Category` to use in the search :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also searches for orders from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` :returns: any :class:`~.Invoice` that contains a product in the provided category """ items = self.client.order_items.by_category(category, search_subcategories) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def by_skulist(self, skulist: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Optional[Invoice | List[Invoice]]: """Search for :class:`~.Invoice` s using a list or comma separated string of product SKUs :param skulist: an iterable or comma separated string of product SKUs """ items = self.client.order_items.by_skulist(skulist) return self.from_order_items(items)
[docs] def from_order_items(self, items: Optional[OrderItem | List[OrderItem]]) -> Optional[Invoice, List[Invoice]]: """Retrieve unique :class:`~.Invoice` objects from :class:`~.OrderItem` entries using a single request .. tip:: Since there is no ``invoices/items`` endpoint, to search for invoices we must first do an :class:`OrderItemSearch`, then retrieve the ``order_ids`` and search :meth:`~.by_order_id` :param items: an individual/list of order items """ if items is None: return 'No matching invoices for this search query' ) if isinstance(items, list): order_ids = set(item.order_id for item in items) return self.by_list('order_id', order_ids) else: return self.by_order_id(items.order_id) # Single OrderItem
[docs]class ProductSearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``products`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize a :class:`ProductSearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='products', client=client, model=Product )
@property def attributes(self) -> ProductAttributeSearch: """Alternate way to access the SearchQuery for :class:`~.ProductAttribute` data""" return ProductAttributeSearch(self.client)
[docs] def by_id(self, item_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Product]: """Retrieve a :class:`~.Product` by ``product_id`` .. note:: Response data from the ``products`` endpoint only has an ``id`` field, but all other endpoints that return data about products will use ``product_id`` :param item_id: the ``id`` (``product_id``) of the product """ return self.add_criteria( field='entity_id', # Product has no "entity_id" field in API responses value=item_id # But to search by the "id" field, must use "entity_id" ).execute()
[docs] def by_sku(self, sku) -> Optional[Product]: """Retrieve a :class:`~.Product` by ``sku`` :param sku: the product sku """ return super().by_id(Model.encode(sku))
[docs] def by_skulist(self, skulist: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Optional[Product | List[Product]]: """Search for :class:`~.Product`s using a list or comma separated string of SKUs :param skulist: an iterable or comma separated string of SKUs """ if not isinstance(skulist, Iterable): raise TypeError(f'`skulist` must be an iterable or comma-separated string of SKUs') if isinstance(skulist, str): skulist = skulist.split(',') skus = map(Model.encode, skulist) return self.by_list('sku', skus)
[docs] def by_category(self, category: Category, search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Product | List[Product]]: """Search for :class:`~.Product` s in a :class:`~.Category` :param category: the :class:`~.Category` to retrieve products from :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also retrieves products from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` """ if not isinstance(category, Category): raise TypeError(f'`category` must be of type {Category}') if search_subcategories: category_ids = [] + category.all_subcategory_ids return self.by_list('category_id', category_ids) else: return self.add_criteria('category_id',
[docs] def by_category_id(self, category_id: Union[int, str], search_subcategories: bool = False) -> Optional[Product | List[Product]]: """Search for :class:`~.Product` s by ``category_id`` :param category_id: the id of the :class:`~.Category` to retrieve products from :param search_subcategories: if ``True``, also retrieves products from :attr:`~.all_subcategories` """ if search_subcategories: if category := self.client.categories.by_id(category_id): return self.by_category(category, search_subcategories) return None else: return self.add_criteria('category_id', category_id).execute()
[docs] def get_stock(self, sku) -> Optional[int]: """Retrieve the :attr:`~.stock` of a product by sku :param sku: the product sku """ if product := self.by_sku(sku): return product.stock
[docs]class ProductAttributeSearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``products/attributes`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize a :class:`ProductAttributeSearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='products/attributes', client=client, model=ProductAttribute )
[docs] def get_all(self) -> Optional[List[ProductAttribute]]: """Retrieve a list of all :class:`~.ProductAttribute`s""" return self.add_criteria('position', 0, 'gteq').execute()
[docs] def by_code(self, attribute_code: str) -> Optional[ProductAttribute]: """Retrieve a :class:`~.ProductAttribute` by its attribute code :param attribute_code: the code of the :class:`~.ProductAttribute` """ return self.by_id(attribute_code)
[docs] def get_types(self) -> Optional[List[APIResponse]]: """Retrieve a list of all available :class:`~.ProductAttribute` types""" return'{self.endpoint}/types').execute()
[docs]class CategorySearch(SearchQuery): """:class:`SearchQuery` subclass for the ``categories`` endpoint"""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client): """Initialize a :class:`CategorySearch` :param client: an initialized :class:`~.Client` object """ super().__init__( endpoint='categories', client=client, model=Category )
def by_id(self, item_id: Union[int, str]) -> Optional[Category]: self.query += f'rootCategoryId={item_id}' return self.execute() def by_list(self, field: str, values: Iterable) -> Optional[Category, List[Category]]: self.query = self.query.replace('categories', 'categories/list') return super().by_list(field, values)
[docs] def get_root(self) -> Category: """Retrieve the top level/default :class:`~.Category` (every other category is a subcategory)""" return self.execute()
[docs] def get_all(self) -> List[Category]: """Retrieve a list of all categories""" self.query = self.query.replace('categories', 'categories/list') + 'searchCriteria[currentPage]=1' return self.execute()
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str, exact: bool = True) -> Optional[Category | List[Category]]: """Search for a :class:`~.Category` by name :param name: the category name to search for :param exact: whether the name should be an exact match """ self.query = self.query.replace('categories', 'categories/list') if exact: return self.add_criteria('name', name).execute() else: return self.add_criteria('name', f'%25{name}%25', 'like').execute()